by Aubyn Marath
We recall with affection her sunny disposition and friendship during the various international surgical meetings throughout each calendar year when she represented her company in the exhibitor’s hall. She was always prepared to help and Scanlan has been very generous to the charity over the years.
CardioStart’s O.R. representative in the charity, Mrs. Linda Lundeen, corresponded with her several times over the years, and with the donations we received from Scanlan, Linda was able to apportion essential instruments donations to several countries. We were careful to respect Brigid’s and Scanlan’s vision that items would supplement existing equipment and lead to permanent program building, and an ongoing business relationship for the countries we helped.
Brigid was directly responsible for helping CardioStart assist program development in the following countries: Uganda, Peru, Brazil, Vietnam, Ecuador, Ghana, the Dominican Republic and Nepal. She was also a dedicated supporter of the Women in Thoracic Surgery, and the picture below shows the first female Cardiothoracic Surgeon in all of West Africa, Dr. Ogadinma Mgbajah, working together in Nigeria with Cardiostart Board Member Dr. Emily Farkas using Scanlan instruments from a generous donation facilitated by Brigid in June 2018. Every donation had a clearly impactful effect on surgical cases accomplished and provided a defining advance in surgical skills for the local teams we assisted.
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