
PEDIATRIC CARDIAC MISSION Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante, Guayaquil, Ecuador

The invitation has come from the local Foundation led by Dra. Zorayda Figueroa M. Psych Ecuador (Executive Director, Fundacion El Cielo Para Los Ninos de Ecuador) and by Dr. Renzo Cifluentes MD, (Mission Coordination & Medical Director)  

By |2025-02-23T16:28:35-05:00February 23rd, 2025|Ecuador, Upcoming Missions|0 Comments

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Mission to Guayaquil, Ecuador

Those specializing in Pediatric heart care are cordially invited to participate in the third CardioStart mission to the Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

By |2023-01-21T19:11:02-05:00July 24th, 2022|Ecuador, Upcoming Missions|0 Comments

Mission Report – Pediatric Heart Surgery Mission in Guayaquil, Ecuador

On this occasion, CardioStart’s International mission team made a return visit to the Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante in Guayaquil, Ecuador on invitation by the hospital Administration, arranged by the Fundacion El Cielo Para Los Ninos del Ecuador.

By |2021-01-31T20:00:55-05:00May 10th, 2019|Ecuador, Past Missions, Recent News|0 Comments

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Mission to Guayaquil, Ecuador March 2019

MISSION INVITATION Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Mission to Guayaquil, Ecuador March 2nd – 16th, 2019 Gateway to the Galapagos Islands Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante PEDIATRIC TEAM Those specializing in Pediatric heart care are cordially invited to participate in the third CardioStart mission to the Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The Children's Hospital, Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante received gold level accreditation by Accreditation Canada International (ACI) on November 20, 2014, after meeting international quality standards of health care. This is [...]

By |2019-01-06T18:50:08-05:00January 6th, 2019|Ecuador, Upcoming Missions|0 Comments

Guayaquil, Ecuador Mission Report: March 17-29th, 2018

On this occasion, CardioStart’s International mission team made a return visit to the Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante in Guayaquil, Ecuador on invitation by the Fundacion El Cielo Para Los Ninos del Ecuador. This was designated as a two-week mission, but administrative hold-ups with documentation and Ministry approval it was only able for the patients to be assessed during the second week. Accordingly, only a few cases could be undertaken. Three of the cases were emergency presentations and it was felt by both teams that these patients would shortly die without an attempt to resolve their presentation surgically.

By |2018-08-21T14:29:57-04:00August 20th, 2018|Blog1, Ecuador, Past Missions|0 Comments

Ecuador 2018 Mission Invitation

ECUADOR MISSION INVITATION Guayaquil, Ecuador Mission Invitation March 18-29, 2018 Gateway to the Galapagos Islands. Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR PEDIATRIC TEAM Those specializing in Pediatric heart care are cordially invited to participate in this CardioStart mission to the Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The Children's Hospital Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante received gold level accreditation by Accreditation Canada International (ACI) on November 20, 2014, after meeting international quality standards [...]

By |2017-12-20T12:16:10-05:00December 20th, 2017|Blog1, Ecuador, Upcoming Missions|0 Comments

Ecuador 2017 Mission Report

 MISSION REPORT May 28-June 10, 2017      PEDIATRIC HEART SURGERY Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante, Guayaquil, Ecuador A CardioStart mission team made an inaugural visit to the Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante in Guayaquil, Ecuador on invitation by the hospital and the Fundacion El Cielo Para Los Ninos de Ecuador. The Children's Hospital Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante received gold level accreditation by Accreditation Canada International (ACI) on November 20, 2014, after meeting international health care standards of quality. This is the first [...]

By |2017-09-18T00:37:58-04:00September 18th, 2017|Blog1, Ecuador, Past Missions|0 Comments

Ecuador 2017 Mission Invitation

ECUADOR MISSION INVITATION Guayaquil, Ecuador Mission Invitation May 28-June 10, 2017 Gateway to the Galapagos Islands. Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR PEDIATRIC TEAM You are cordially invited to participate in the inaugural CardioStart mission to the Hospital del Nino Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The Children's Hospital Dr. Francisco de Icaza Bustamante received gold level accreditation by Accreditation Canada International (ACI) on November 20, 2014, after meeting international quality standards of health care. [...]

By |2017-02-07T22:34:29-05:00December 3rd, 2016|Blog1, Ecuador, Upcoming Missions|0 Comments

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CardioStart International
6110 Hartford Street
Tampa, Florida 33619
Ph: 813-304-2163
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