
Mission to Macapa, Brazil

CardioStart’s primary role will be to develop a pediatric cardiac surgery program and pediatric cardiac intervention. This mission will work to reduce the large existing volume of pediatric case, while providing pediatric training to the local team. Priority will be given to cases with late-presenting congenital heart disease and cases that require valve repair.

By |2022-02-21T17:43:23-05:00December 24th, 2021|Brazil, Upcoming Missions|0 Comments

Santana Brazil Mission Invitation

CardioStart is excited to announce a medical outreach mission in a community health organization at the mouth of the Amazon River. Experienced healthcare providers are invited to participate, as well as students interested in volunteering in this underserved community.

By |2019-05-10T16:41:27-04:00May 31st, 2018|Brazil, Upcoming Missions|0 Comments

Brazil July 2017 Mission Report

Mission to Macapá, Brazil      7/30/2017 to 8/11/2017   Hospital São Camilo On July 30, the CardioStart team began its second mission at the Hospital São Camilo of Macapá, Brazil, which provides free cardiac care to impoverished patients in the region of Amapá State, located in the Brazilian Amazon area. This region is very underserved with medical care and patients have to travel sometimes hundreds of miles to get even basic care.  The volunteers were welcomed by an enthusiastic local team who wanted the best care for their patients [...]

By |2021-01-31T20:16:36-05:00November 7th, 2017|Brazil, Past Missions|0 Comments

Brazil July 2017 Mission Invitation

Mission to Macapa, Brazil Program development in pediatric and adult cardiology and surgery July 30 - August 11, 2017 Mission location Macapá is the capital city of Amapá, a north Brazilian State. Because of the isolated location, in the middle of the rain forest, the only way to reach the capital is by plane or boat. This region is well known for its access to the Amazon forest. The state of Amapá has the biggest area of intact rain forest in Brazil; it is crossed by the Equator [...]

By |2017-05-28T19:38:38-04:00May 22nd, 2017|Blog1, Brazil, Upcoming Missions|0 Comments

Brazil Mission Report April 2016

Pediatric & Adult Cardiac Program Development Macapá, Amapa, Northern Brazil   April 17- 29, 2016                       Mission Snapshot Mission Location: Macapa, Brazil Number of Surgeries: 19 Number of Patients Served in Outreach: 240 Number of Volunteers: 22 Accomplishments: Initiated 3rd pediatric cardiac program in the North/Northeast of Brazil; Provided education for over 500 students, and dozens of local village members, provided outreach screening and health services to 240 people, and installed 7 water filters in the school and home of [...]

By |2017-02-01T22:14:27-05:00July 26th, 2016|Blog1, Brazil, Past Missions|0 Comments

Brazil Mission Update

August 31 ‐ September 14th, 2014     There has been a complication and development over the Brazilian-bound container, which arrived in Port over a week ago. Brazilian trade regulations have determined that even though our shipment is a donation, it will be subject to lengthy paperwork issues involving US original company sources, and substantially greater expense. The recommendation by our hosts is that with their help, we donate that container to another country. Professor Nina, of the Sao Luis cardiovascular center has been working extremely hard to make this [...]

By |2017-02-01T22:14:54-05:00April 27th, 2014|Brazil, Homepage Featured, News|0 Comments